Platform Overview

Barcoding’s IntelliTrack® platform helps companies be more efficient, accurate, and connected by way of secure cloud computing.

Built on a modern microservices architecture, IntelliTrack drives visibility around how we track and manage various assets, inventories, and items.

IntelliTrack is specifically designed to connect the data companies need to impact their daily business operations.

Pair with Barcoding’s best-in-case managed services for true operational excellence.


of tech leaders believe microservices-based applications are the future, and companies must support distributed applications in order to stay competitive.

Asset Sites-Dashboard

Ready to Connect the Dots?

The IntelliTrack platform is built to drive efficiency and operational excellence.

The platform comes ready to:

  • Connect your data via open APIs
  • Connect your teams with multi-language readiness and custom and pre-built reporting and dashboards
  • Connect your processes with pre-built integrations to leading OEMs, labeling printing functionality, and full asset histories
  • Go live efficiently with robust account management tools, user-defined fields, bulk import and export functionality, user-defined roles by function and constraint
Based on role-based access control, administrators and users alike have visibility and access to the functionality they need most to be productive.

The Power is in the Data

Use IntelliTrack dashboards to quickly reference and drill into asset and inventory data across the platform. You can filter data by individual sites, company divisions, or see across the whole organization.

See assets and inventory by statuses
Operations Dashboard
See all assets under management in one place
See assets by location
View Asset Details-SetLocation

Track IT Asset Locations, Repairs, Service Contracts, and Health

Assign Assets with Check In and Check Out and Track Maintenance

Track and Audit Fixed Asset Inventory and Values

Track Consumable Inventory Quantity and Streamline Order Fulfillment

Track Containers and their Movements with Ease

Track IT Asset Locations, Repairs, Service Contracts, and Health

Track and manage mobile handheld computers, printers, scanners, RFID equipment, and the like. These items are typically found in IT, operations, and/or facility's budget.

Key Visibility and Insights:

  • Service Contracts Dashboard. Review the quantity of contracts expiring in 30 days or less, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and 91-120 days. From the dashboard, you can drill down to a table of all the associated contracts in each category
  • RMA Dashboard. You can review RMAs opened by depot by day over a 30-day period
  • RMAs by Status. You can quickly see opened, closed, and canceled RMAs with percentages by category. Users can drill down into the RMA records right from the dashboard
  • RMA History Levels. You can graph the quantity of RMAs by service depot over a 30-day period
  • RMA Levels vs. Spare Pools. You can graph the quantity of total RMAs at all service depots and spare pool levels over a 30-day period
  • Top Repaired Devices. You can see the most frequently repaired devices over the last 30 days
  • Top Repaired Devices All-time. You can see the most frequently repaired devices all-time
  • Top Repair Problems. You can pie chart the most frequently reported device problems over the last 90 days

Assign Assets with Check In and Check Out and Track Maintenance

Track and manage anything that is reserved, used, and returned and/or check in, check out like mobile devices, rental equipment and tools.

Key Visibility and Insights:

  • Rotational Assets by Status. You can track the number of rotational assets by quantity. Information can be compiled by site, division, or the entire organization. Users can drill down into the table for asset details
  • Maintenance & Calibration by Status. You can review the number of maintenance and calibration jobs completed within a given timeframe with the ability to review at the site, division, or company level
  • Maintenance Overdue. You can use a dashboard tile to quickly see how many jobs are overdue

Track and Audit Fixed Asset Inventory and Values

Track and manage trucks, machinery, forklifts, furniture, computer equipment, tools. These assets are usually found in operations and/or facility budgets.

Key Visibility and Insights:

  • Fixed Assets by Location. You can work with an interactive map to see the physical locations of all fixed assets. Users can even drill down into more asset details directly from the map
  • Asset Depreciation. You can establish depreciation classes by assigning one of five depreciation methods and the depreciation period, and then assign that depreciation class to items.

Track Consumable Inventory Quantity and Streamline Order Fulfillment

Track and manage day-to-day products that run your business and that are critical to know quantity-on-hand; things like labels, boxes, shrink wrap, hammers, tape, glue, lighting components, printer cartridges, soap, gloves, etc. These items are typically managed by procurement, operations, facilities, and/or IT budgets.

Key Visibility and Insights:

  • Accurate Inventory Tracking. You know the location and the exact number of units of all the items you have on hand. You can customize group inventory by type, SKU, location, and other custom types to optimize reporting and operations to your needs.
  • Inventory & Cycle Counts. You can perform counts on your inventory to prevent stockouts or overstocking and identify and prevent loss. You can use mobile and barcode technology to automate and improve the efficiency of inventory processes.
  • Issue Stock Orders. You can create stock issue receipts and return orders. IntelliTrack automatically adjusts inventory levels as stock orders are created.

Track Containers and their Movements with Ease

Key Visibility and Insights:

  • Container Dashboard
    Review a list of containers as well as the ability to add, edit, and delete. You can create a container, place it in a site and location, and then enter assets or items into the container. When a container is complete, it, along with its contents, can be moved to another site and location.

IntelliTrack for the Mobile Workforce

IntelliTrack drives operational excellence for management as well as mobile workers. 

Based on our experience and feedback from our customers, the platform extends specific, purposeful functionality to the mobile workforce and allows for access to key data on-the-move.

VeriMy Locate Asset-1-1


IntelliTrack was built to connect to other systems. Open APIs provide access to your data allowing you to build integrations to other systems and applications in your environment. Barcoding can also provide professional services to assist with your integrations.

See our Technical FAQs for more info on integrating with IntelliTrack!

Pre-built Integrations

We work with our key partners to bring you valuable pre-built integrations that provide visibility to repair and device status, to help you better manage your assets .


Trust & Security

With IntelliTrack, your data will be safe and protected.

Barcoding adheres to a series of development and operations policies and procedures to ensure the security of your environment and data.

This governance spans the entire product suite and lifecycle, including application and interface security, audit procedures, business continuity management, change and configuration management, data security, human resources, infrastructure management and risk, threat, and vulnerability management.

The MSP Verify™ certification by MSPAlliance® is the most trusted, independently audited program for Managed IT Service and Security Providers globally. Cyber Verify is achieved by less than 5% of MSPs globally.

Cyber Verify Level 2-121972-312_SOC_NonCPA


Latest Release

IntelliTrack customers always have access to the latest version of the platform and applications. 

By virtue of the new platform architecture, when an update is approved and released to production, it is accessed by all customers.

The microservices architecture provides for individual microservices to be deployed independently. This allows for frequent, rapid changes to the platform and improved responsiveness to customer needs, new technical advances, etc.
